The Kirk Session is the ruling body within the Congregation.

The minister / interim moderator serves as moderator of the Kirk Session.

The Kirk Session consists of the elders of the Church who are chosen from congregational members.  

When the Kirk Session resolves to add to its number, it also needs to determine the selection of individuals from the membership, but before anyone is added, any member of the Congregation has the right to appear at a meeting of the Kirk Session to make comment.

The Kirk Session appoints the session clerk.

Principal Office Bearers

Interim Moderator – Rev Murdo Macdonald 
Session Clerk – Mr David Walker

The Roles and Responsibilities of an Elder

An elder in this congregation is expected to do his/her best to meet the following commitments:

  • to be at worship on Sunday mornings whenever possible;
  • to recognise and support the Session’s positive role in promoting the Christian good of the congregation and parish, through participation in the life of the congregation and contact with the parish;
  • to be regular in attendance at Session meetings;
  • to share in the work of Session committees;
  • to care for his/her district by -
    • regular visits to each home;
    • praying regularly for the members of the district by name;
  • sharing any difficulties with the minister (e.g. bereavement or illness);
  • whenever possible, to attend in-service training organised by the Kirk Session;
  • to share Communion Duties;
  • to carry out Welcome Committee duties according to the rota.

The Kirk Session Committees

The Kirk Session is subdivided into several other groups which look after some specific aspects of congregational life. These committees meet on a regular basis and membership is primarily made up of elders, but, when necessary, others can be co-opted.

The committees and their respective conveners are detailed below:

  • Discipleship Group - David Walker
  • Pastoral Care - Moira Gartshore
  • Social - To be appointed
  • World Mission - Liz Riddell
  • Worship - To be advised