The greatest gift in the world is life itself. The birth of a baby is part of that wonderful gift and parents, families and friends seek ways to celebrate this.  It is at this time that some people turn to the Church, seeking a way to mark the gift of new life through a baptismal service. Parents receive many words of advice from family and friends when a child is born and this continues as s/he grows and blossoms into an adult. Similarly, the baptismal service seeks to offer words of Christian advice to parents, with emphasis on the role the Church can play in contributing to the child's development and wellbeing.

Whilst there might be many reasons to bring a baby or a child for baptism, you need to consider carefully the vows that you will take on your child’s behalf. These vows are no less important for those adults who choose to be baptised into the Church and seek to commit to Jesus Christ. Baptism normally takes place at the end of morning worship on a Sunday.

Since 2003 our Church has provided a thanksgiving service for, and a blessing of, a child. This is designed for those who want to mark the birth of a child in a Christian setting but do not feel able, at this stage, to take the vows of baptism. This again takes place during morning worship, at the beginning of the service. The Interim Moderator, Murdo Macdonald, is more than happy to meet with you to talk about Baptism, what is involved and what is expected. 

Please do not hesitate to get in touch through our contact form on the front page of this website.  In the first instance, your enquiry will be sent to the Session Clerk, who will then pass to Rev. Murdo Macdonald who will contact you thereafter.