The Church of Scotland is often referred to as the 'Parish Church' which means that the Minister and congregation have the privilege of serving not just members of New Wellwynd but everyone in the community.  This includes being there at the most difficult time of bereavement.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Probationer Minister, Eleanor Hamilton or alternatively our Interim Moderator, Murdo Macdonald, to arrange a service for a loved one.  Normally such contact is made by the Funeral Director, who will ensure the availability of the Minister before finalising details.

The Minister will normally contact you when the funeral arrangements are in place. He will invite you to a meeting during which there will be an opportunity to share the precious memories of your loved one and to plan the service. This is also an opportunity for the Minister to talk about his pastoral role and the assistance he can provide for you and your family. 

Beyond the service itself the doors of New Wellwynd will always be open should you need support during your period of grieving. As a family, you will also be invited to an annual 'Memorial / Thanksgiving Service', where you can remember your loved one during the Season of Advent.