Good morning

Just a reminder of this morning’s in person service at 11:00 a.m. which will also be streamed live.


We welcome everyone to this morning’s service,

led by Eleanor Hamilton, Probationer Minister 

Today's Order of Service


What’s on…

 Today -

The Bread and Cheese Lunch supporting Christian Aid will be held in the Large Hall at the close of the Morning Service.  This event gives us the ability to support Christian Aid’s work in Burundi. 

So do come round to the hall following the church service as we continue in fellowship over lunch for a very good cause.

Please support this event and bring a friend.


Thereafter, at 3p.m. in Jackson Church the Airdrie Churches Summer Songs of Praise Service takes place. 

All Welcome.


TUESDAY 25th JUNE 2024 –

The Funeral Service for Mrs. Louise Armstrong will be held in the Church at 2:30p.m., thereafter to Holytown Crematorium for 3:30p.m..


WEDNESDAY 26th JUNE 2024 -

Our mid-week service Delve in at 12 takes place at 12 Noon.  This service will be led by Mrs. Margaret Jack, Worship Leader.

All Welcome.  Tea / Coffee are available in the large hall thereafter.


FRIDAY 28th JUNE 2024 - 

The SNACK BAR is open from 10:00a.m. until 1:00p.m..  Last orders 12:45p.m.

The NEARLY NEW opens from 10:00a.m. to 12 Noon.


The SNACK BAR is CLOSED during JULY and re-opens on Friday 2nd  AUGUST, 2024. 

The NEARLY NEW is CLOSED during JULY/AUGUST and re-opens on Friday 16th AUGUST, 2024.


SUNDAY 30th JUNE 2024 –

Morning Service will be held at 11:00a.m. and will be led by Mrs. Margaret Jack, Worship Leader.



Our collections for the foodbank continue – items urgently required for this week are the following  cereal, long life milk and diluting juice.



We are looking for volunteers to help do some general gardening and weeding at the Manse to keep the grounds in good order.  If you have a spare hour in which you can help and are interested, please speak with George Lawson who will be able to give you further information.




Monday 1st JULY – Friday 5th July 2024

Following on from the success of past Holiday Clubs, we are delighted to present another – ‘Creation and stories from the Bible’.  The club will run from Monday – Friday starting at 09:30a.m. until 12 Noon.  All children of Primary School Age are invited to attend – Registration forms can be downloaded from the Church Website –



As part of the Mission Plan Grouping, the Kirk Session has agreed to participate in joint summers services with the congregations of Jackson and St. Columba’s during the month of July as follows:-

Date                     Time        Location                             Preacher

7th July 2024      11:00a.m. Jackson Church                 Rev. Kay Gilchrist

14th July 2024    11:30a.m. St. Columba’s Church        Rev. Margaret Currie

21st July 2024    11:00a.m. New Wellwynd Church       Eleanor Hamilton

We encourage you to come along and support these services – all are welcome.


DELVE IN @12 Mid-Week Service

During the month of July, our Delve in @ 12 mid-week service will be suspended for the holiday period.  After the service on Wednesday 26th June, Delve in @ 12 services will resume on Wednesday 7th August 2024 @ 12 Noon.



Following a recent meeting of the Communications Group, we are looking for help in a couple of areas:

NEWSLETTER SUB-EDITOR:  This role is to assist George Randall, Editor to collate and collect articles from groups for inclusion within the Newsletter.  If you are interested and wish to know more of what the job might entail, please contact George whose details can be found on the Newsletter 

SOCIAL MEDIA:  The Congregation has accounts with Facebook and Instagram.  At the moment, these are updated by Eleanor.  In an effort to improve our Facebook and Instagram presence going forwards, the group are looking for one or two people to help upload posts etc. related to the congregation and groups.  If you have skills in this area and are interested in finding out more information – please speak to Eleanor in the first instance.