Good morning

Just a reminder of this morning’s in person service at 11:00 a.m. which will also be streamed live.

We welcome everyone to this morning’s

being led by Eleanor Hamilton, Probationer Minister and

Rev, Eleanor McMahon, People & Training Manager,

Faith Action

Today's Order of Service

What’s On


Newsletter Distributors are asked to pick up the October / November Issue of The New Wellwynder from the Church Office.


TUESDAY, 8th OCTOBER, 2024 –

The In Stitches craft group meet in the session room from 10:00a.m. until 12 Noon.  If you are interested – please come along, you will be made most welcome.

The Senior Circle have their meeting in the Session Room today. Tea/coffee and a chat from 1.30p.m. -2:00p.m. The speaker today is from the Fire Brigade, Coatbridge. 



Our mid-week service Delve in at 12 takes place at 12 Noon.  This service will be led by Eleanor Hamilton, Probationer Minister.

The fifth of our AUTUMN BIBLE STUDY featuring “THE CHOSEN” starts this evening in the Session Room at 7:30p.m.  If you are interested in joining – please come along.  Everyone Welcome. 


FRIDAY, 11th OCTOBER 2024 - 

The SNACK BAR opens from 10:00a.m. until 1:00p.m..  Last orders 12:45p.m.

The NEARLY NEW opens today from 10:00a.m. to 12 Noon.  The Nearly New team look forward to welcoming you.

The ART CLASS continues its new session in the Upper Hall from 2:00p.m. – 4:00p.m..  All welcome.


TUESDAY, 15th OCTOBER, 2024 –

The CAMEO Group will meet in the Session Room at 7:30p.m


Our mid-week service Delve in at 12 takes place at 12 Noon.  This service will be led by Eleanor Hamilton, Probationer Minister.

The fifth of our AUTUMN BIBLE STUDY featuring “THE CHOSEN” starts this evening in the Session Room at 7:30p.m.  If you are interested in joining – please come along.  Everyone Welcome. 



Our collections for the foodbank continue – items urgently required for this week are the following – tinned rice, tinned custard and tinned fruit.


HARVEST THANK OFFERING ENVELOPES are available this morning if you would like to contribute.  You will find a supply of these on the table beside the organ or in the vestibule of the church. The Kirk Session decided to support Tearfund as our Harvest Thank-offering this year.



The Kirk Session has agreed to support over the next few weeks, the sale of Christmas Cards for Maggie’s Cancer Centre in Airdrie.

The selection of Christmas Cards will be on sale for the next few Sundays in the hall after the Service.  Your support would be appreciated.



The following prayer has been taken from a letter received from the Right Rev. Dr. J. Shaw Paterson, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland….

Today, I am writing to you following the terrible atrocities in Lebanon which we are seeing on the news at present, to ask you to pray this week in particular for the situation faced by the people living there and caught up in the attacks in one way or another.

Let us pray:

Almighty God, we bring our voices together to pray for peace, unsure of what to say or do. We see conflict, war, bombings, people fleeing to find shelter.

As we witness an escalation in conflict, we pray for your peace… a peace which offers justice for the oppressed and downtrodden, a real peace in which every individual may live free from the horrors currently being experienced.

Caring God, be with those suffering in Lebanon and across the Middle East. Bring healing to those physically and emotionally wounded … and healing between individuals, groups and nations.

Comforting God, be with those who mourn the loss of loved ones and be with them in their grief and trauma, offering your grace and inner peace.

Loving God, you loved us so much you came into our world in Jesus, the Prince of Peace. We have heard the Good News; enable us to share your love … for love will overcome.

Strengthen our resolve to love our neighbour, and work together for peace so that love might be shared, healing becomes a reality, and that we never lose hope.

In the Name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen.
